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The Ultimate HR Guide to Keeping Employees Happy and Productive

A successful business requires happy and productive employees. HR managers and leaders understand this better than anyone else. It’s common to hear from employees who feel unappreciated or unheard within their organization.

It is for this reason that pulse engagement surveys are becoming increasingly popular among HR departments – they provide valuable insight into employee feedback that can help boost employee happiness, increase productivity, and ultimately help boost business growth by increasing employee retention rates.

This guide includes key tips on using pulse surveys to keep employees happy and productive.

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The Ultimate HR Guide to Keeping Employees Happy and Productive

Actionable insights

Pulse engagement surveys are an effective way to listen to employee voice and target specific areas of concern.

Motivation-focused surveys

The Herzberg two-factor motivation theory is applied in both baseline and pulse surveys to analyze and improve employee satisfaction.

Interactive data visualization

Real-time data and insights can be gathered from dashboards to make better talent and business decisions based on employees’ thoughts.